Interview Example

    Throughout this class, it was brought up how it is important to include people who are affected by the problem to help come up with solutions and to educate policymakers on the issue.  The link above is an interview from the youtube channel, "Soft White Underbelly"  and it allows people to talk about their experiences.  In this case prison and recidivism are the themes.   

    Some of the key things that stood out from the interview of this particular man named Eric, have been themes that we as a team have learned about throughout this class.  The fact that there isn't counseling in prison or other tools to help people while they are in prison that can help them once they are reintegrating, can partly explain why recidivism rates are so high in our society.  Some of the things Eric brings up like no guidelines to follow or a plan on the outside, as well as a lack of rehabilitation and people to talk to show that prison isn't exactly meant to rehabilitate you.  Eric talks about how, "...prison isn't meant to rehabilitate you but rather to pay your debt to society"(Soft White Underbelly, 2020).  I think this shows the truth about the prison system and how it doesn't really remedy peoples issues but acts as a further punishment for disobeying the law.  However, the consequences continue as they move on from prison and they continue to struggle because of employment, housing, transportation issues and other basic life necessities that are made difficult for people with a prior conviction.  Prison for a long time has served as economic benefit for some populations and can be seen often times as a business for profit instead of focusing on helping people.  It is important to listen to people like Eric so that we get a better idea of what people with a prior conviction go through and to do our part to fix the issue of recidivism and reintegration in society.  As stated in a source from this class, people who are experiencing the issue are experts on the issue and should have a say in the resolution process (Involving People Most Affected by the Problem, 2022).  


Soft White Underbelly. (2020). Nineteen trips to prison-eric. YouTube. Retrieved February 20, 2023, from

Involving People Most Affected by the Problem (2022).  Community Toolbox.  Retrieved February 20, 2023 from  
