Assets and Resources



(Google Maps, 2023)

    Our team developed maps for five unique areas around the country that covers three different states. Overall, we found that there are plenty of non-profit and community organizations available in the areas we mapped out. Resources include housing (temporary and permanent), employment support, legal resources, recreation activities, and state agencies. For example, in Phoenix and Tucson there are numerous offices for the Department of Economic Security that is available for individuals and families to ensure safety and economic security. Furthermore, in California and East Lansing, Michigan there are community organizations that help promote and support individuals going through the reentry process. A lesson we learned from our research is that there are plenty of resources that are working to support individuals through the reentry process, however, many individuals recently released are not aware of the resources in their cities.

            Across the cities we researched it can be said that in larger cities like Los Angeles and Phoenix there are many more resources and non-profit organizations compared to smaller communities like East Lansing and Contra Costa County. More specifically, resources in California seem to be more community driven compared to the various state agencies found in Arizona. In addition, there are more employment organizations or state agencies in the larger cities researched. One resource that we noticed that was missing in some communities is organizations that provide free therapy or counseling. We found a few in Los Angeles, but this was missing in other communities. Our team felt that counseling resources would be a great addition to any community.


Google Maps (2023). Contra Costa County.


